Dale Sams, Celebrate Recovery Ministry Leader, Prescott, AZ
“Dave has successfully condensed 40 plus years of counseling experience into this practical, common sense, easy to read book. For those of us without any psychology and counseling knowledge, his humor, coupled with practicality, make it a wonderful guide for helping others.”
David J. Pope worked as a licensed mental health/ addiction therapist in Nebraska, lowa and Arizona over the course of a forty year career. He has Masters Degrees in Human Relations and Christian Counseling.
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Introduction For those grammar experts out there thinking, “Shouldn’t that be ‘How may I help you?’” let me reassure you. I am not trying to address the question a helper asks a person in need, but rather the question a potential helper asks themselves: “How …
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David J. Pope draws on more than forty years of experience in the addiction and mental health fields to provide you with practical tips, examples, and guidelines for helping others through a wide range of personal issues.
How Can I Help You? Basic Helping Skills for Christians is your guide to helping others.
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